A Modularity and Extensibility Analysis on Authorization Frameworks

Eduardo Martins Guerra, Jefferson O. Silva, Clovis Torres Fernandes


Authorization in its most basic form can be
reduced to a simple question: “May a subject X access an object
Y?” The attempt to implement an adequate response to this
authorization question has produced many access control models
and mechanisms. The development of the authorization
mechanisms usually employs frameworks, which usually
implements one access control model, as a way of reusing larger
portions of software. However, some authorization requirements,
present on recent applications, have demanded for software
systems to be able to handle security policies of multiple access
control models. Industry has resolved this problem in a
pragmatic way, by using the framework to solve part of the
problem, and mingling business and the remaining authorization
concerns into the code. The main goal of this paper is to present a
comparative analysis between the existing frameworks developed
either within the academic and industry environments. This
analysis uses a motivating example to present the main industry
frameworks and consider the fulfillment of modularity,
extensibility and granularity requirements facing its suitability
for the existing access control models. This analysis included the
Esfinge Guardian framework, which is an open source
framework developed by the authors that provides mechanisms
that allows its extension to implement and combine different
authorization models.


Authorization Frameworks; Esfinge Guardian framework

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/enig.v2i1.46


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